What woman hasn't worried about her weight, how she looks in her clothes, whether she feels good about herself? Constant magazine sales with those type of headlines can attest to the legitamacy of those concerns.
Concerns that have dogged me most of my life. This year I turned 50 years old. In doing so I have discovered that my fitness thought processes have evolved. They have turned from what the scales and mirror say to lean more towards how strong I feel, is my body functioning better today, are my emotions happy and stable? Perhaps it is the wisdom of middle age, a wider scope of insight from all the years of success or failure to control my weight, exercise consistently and battle genetic depression.
I have always admired and secretly resented those who have never struggled with their weight. To watch a woman age and stay slim even after several pregnancies is awe-inspiring and mind torture at the same time.
I struggle to emotionally connect with someone my age who has never experienced the dismay of being overweight or obese and the despair that no matter what you try, your weight yo-yo's and the perception of yourself is one of little value.
When you suffer difficulties in your life and find someone who has experienced like trials, you feel a kinship, a bond of understanding and a great comfort that you are not alone in this struggle.
Even though there are great and/or famous 'fitness experts' out there, if they haven't struggled with weight issues (which piggybacks with emotional issues) there just isn't a true feeling of trust that can be established between us. They may have fitness knowledge and education but not the deep compassion and empathy that comes with the shared understanding of what you are truly going through.
It is that type of understanding plus my years of fitness experience and training that I have to offer those who struggle as I always have. Caring and sharing on this path I have chosen...
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