Thursday, October 14, 2010


From chubby child to  adulthood, my clothing size has always fluctuated. My husband complained that he never knew what  size to buy me because my clothing ranged from a size 6 - 26.  Ouch. (I just told him not to bother buying me clothes, it would just depress me if he guessed wrong) 
I think my closet(s) represent what most normal women experience.  One closet for the clothes that fit us now, another (or a big box) for the clothes that we swear we will fit back into someday and possibly a few larger pieces for those "fat" days.  It seems much easier to toss the larger size apparel than to give up the smaller sizes that don't fit anymore. It's like admitting defeat to let go  of the single digit size.

For years I kept a box of smaller sized clothes that I wore during college days.  A black & cream angora sweater that I adored,  a pair of hot pink Yves St. Laurent pants that I bought while at BYU-Hawaii. After twenty years I finally opened the box - nothing fit of course, but my daughter was able to wear some of them for 80's day at high school (the stinger came when she innocently commented, "you used to be THIS skinny?!")  There was a very satisfying moment when my daughter needed a  classy suit for the Jr Miss Pageant and I pulled out a 20 year old  size 8 expensive cream suit I had stored (you know...just in case....) It was a little snug on her but she was able to wear it. Saved me at least $100.  And guess what?  It hangs in my closet right now... (Scroll down for Yo-Yo photos)

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